
Maximum power, maximum upwind performance and the earliest take-off. 

The long fuselage makes the foil super-stable for progressing foilers while the front wing's forward placement creates all the power. It's the innovative foil that introduced the racing-specific geometry, winning back to back World titles in 2017 and 2018. 

Choose this foil if you want to race and win.

Race Carbon

Race Aluminium

2019 World Champion | 2018 PWA Champion  |  2018 World Champion  |  2017 PWA Champion  |  2018 World Championships 1st, 2nd, 3rd  |  2017 Silvaplana 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th


Front Wing: 800 

Tail Wing: 255 

Fuselage: 115

Mast: Carbon 95cm or Aluminium 95cm 


Front Wing: Saddle system 

Tail Wing: Saddle system  

Fuselage: Starboard Universal Connect 

Mast: Deep Tuttle 


