Our foils are divided into two groups: Wind foils and Wave foils.

Wind foils are designed for foil windsurfing

Wave foils are designed for foil surfing.

There are two mounting systems: Deep Tuttle and Top Plate. 

Our Wind foils use the Deep Tuttle system because all windsurfing foil boards use this system. 

Our Wave foils fit both systems because they are supplied with a Deep Tuttle to Top Plate converter. Use the Deep Tuttle for stand up paddle boards and windsurf boards that are fitted with the Deep Tuttle foil box. Use the Top Plate adapter for boards fitted with dual tracks that the top plate bolts itself on to. All foiling surf boards and some stand up paddle foil boards use the Top Plate system.

Deep Tuttle

Top Plate

Mast lengths: the total length of the masts supplied with our Wave foils is 72cm (28"). The supplied masts for Wind foils are between 75cm and 110cm. Various mast lengths are available as aftermarket options: 55cm, 65cm, 75cm, 85cm, 95cm and 110cm.

Once you've chosen your foil group and board-mounting system, visit the Full Range Overview to find the exact model that matches your style and skill.

The neat thing about Starboard's modular foil platform is that starting from your first foil, it's nice to later upgrade or expand by adding various wings, fuselages and masts to your growing collection*. So pick your first foil and join us on the flying, foiling adventure."

Tiesda You // Chief Foil Designer

*Wave, Wave Classic, Ocean Surf and SuperCruiser wings use a sleeve fitting for the front wing and a rocker fitting for the tail wing. Freeride, GT, GT-R. GT-R Plus, Race, Race Plus and Race Pro wings use a saddle system. Therefore, wings can be interchanged within a group but  not crossover to the other group. 

Both groups use the same mast-fuselage fitting, however. So all masts work across both groups. See our Technology section for more details.